Scholarships for International Students: What You Need to Know!
Need to know how to get a scholarship to study abroad? We can help! Our comprehensive guide covers everything from what types of international scholarships are available and tips on how to apply for a scholarship.
studying abroad has many benefits. However, many students falsely believe that studying abroad is too expensive for their budget and do not know where to start the process of applying for scholarships in another country.
The good news is that there are many study abroad scholarships available for international students who are interested in pursuing a course or degree abroad.
These opportunities can range from funds to cover your flight to scholarships that allow you to study abroad for free.
So, whether you’re looking for funding for a full program or just a semester abroad, read our guide to help you find all the study abroad scholarships you need to make your dreams come true.
What will a study abroad scholarship cover?
What your scholarship funds go toward varies greatly depending on which international scholarships you receive and who provides them. Most are designed to cover your basic study costs.
This includes tuition, student fees, books, and any other school-related costs. In some cases, a portion of your living costs might also be covered, such as food and accommodation.
Other scholarships for studying abroad are less strict. These may provide you with a lump sum of money that you can apply to your studies in any way you see fit.
That doesn’t mean you can or should spend your money on anything – it’s still meant to fund your education. The difference is that you can prioritize your own budget and apply financial aid accordingly.
In the process of learning how to apply for a scholarship, be sure to review the terms and conditions.
There may be stipulations from donors or organizations, where the scholarship is seen more as an educational investment rather than a gift that allows you to study abroad for free. For that reason, there are usually strings attached.
It’s common for international scholarships to require you to maintain a certain grade or level of performance throughout your studies in order for you to continue receiving financial aid.
It is also important to consider when funding will be awarded. Scholarships for studying abroad are usually paid in full before the start of the semester, but may, in some situations, be spread out in installments throughout the year.
Funds will also be paid directly to the student or college. Each school or organization has its own procedures for when scholarship money will be awarded, so be sure to ask ahead of time so you aren’t left with a large bill and no funds to cover it.
Who provides scholarships for studying abroad?
Scholarships can come from many sources, and you are usually eligible to receive more than one.
Check the guidelines for all study abroad scholarships to see what you qualify for. There are several different sources, such as:
- universities
- Governments
- Organizations
- Business
- Private donors.
Whatever type of scholarship you decide to apply for, remember to be patient and persistent!
Scholarships are a great way to help you achieve your dreams of studying abroad. Continue reading to learn more about the different scholarship providers.
University Scholarships

Universities will readily assist their students in finding study abroad scholarships and international grants.
Admissions offices may automatically offer scholarships and grants when you apply, or they may require you to apply for financial aid in advance.
To find scholarships for international students through a college or university, it is best to consult with an academic advisor or financial aid office.
The advisor will be able to recommend different types of scholarships that you qualify for based on academic records, athletic ability, special talents, or financial need.
Scholarships through a specific university may be offered as full or partial payment of tuition.
For a short-term study, be sure to check the school where you plan to study abroad. They may offer additional financial aid if a scholarship from your home university is not enough to cover all costs.
If you are studying a full degree program at a university abroad, check to see if your new university offers scholarships for international students.
Often, schools need to meet a certain quota of international students, so they will offer financial aid as an incentive. This means that it is entirely possible to study abroad for free at some schools!
Government Scholarships
When you’re looking for information on how to get a scholarship to study abroad, don’t overlook government scholarships!
Federal or state governments are a great source of financial aid for international students.
To find available grants and scholarships from governments, it is helpful to contact the country’s embassy for more detailed information.
Scholarships from private and individual donors
Many companies, foundations, community organizations, and clubs sponsor scholarships for study abroad.
Organizations that offer these types of private scholarships may be institutions such as unions, religious centers, public organizations, or clubs.
These ‘external’ or ‘private’ scholarships are usually a one-time form of aid, vary in amount, and usually have specific eligibility requirements set by the donor.
Individual donors, on the other hand, are people who have established a private fund for students to receive financial aid.
These scholarships to study abroad are awarded based on academic merit or financial need depending on the donor.
Finding international scholarships through individual donors usually requires a bit more searching.
Sometimes these scholarships are advertised, but most of the time you will have to search for them on your own.
The different types of scholarships to study abroad.
Now that you know where to find international scholarships, it’s also important to know what types are offered before learning more about how to apply for a scholarship.
Scholarships will have different eligibility requirements and cover different costs related to the study abroad experience.
With proper planning and research, you’ll be on your way to receiving financial aid for your studies abroad, whether in the form of merit-based scholarships, need-based scholarships, degree-specific scholarships, or other aid you qualify for in no time.
Check out some of the different types of scholarships for international students below to choose the right one for you!
Merit-based scholarships
Merit scholarships are typically the ones that come to mind when you think of a scholarship.
To qualify for a merit scholarship, you must demonstrate academic excellence.
The most obvious indicator of your academic performance is your grades. However, merit scholarships are not limited to just your grades.
Some colleges will also take into account any special talents you may have, including athletic or musical abilities.
The money awarded by a merit-based scholarship is intended almost exclusively to cover tuition fees.
Whether it covers only partial or full tuition depends on the university’s budget, your grades, or your financial need.
Need-based scholarships
As the name suggests, need-based scholarships are awarded to students who have demonstrated that they have financial need to pursue a study abroad experience.
If the student is still supported by his or her parents, the scholarship provider will look at the parents’ income and ability to pay tuition.
They may also consider factors such as citizenship and residency status, the number of members in their household, tax returns, or employment. If the student is self-supporting, their own income will be evaluated.
Need-based scholarships are designed to provide assistance for studies when students or their guardians are unable to pay tuition and study costs.
These grants are separate from merit-based scholarships, and in some cases you may qualify for both merit-based scholarships and need-based scholarships, depending on the program or university.
Be sure to check with your financial aid advisor to see what type of international scholarships you qualify for.
Sports Scholarships
Universities award athletic scholarships to top athletes to recruit them for their sports teams.
Full scholarships for athletes are common at many universities, especially in the United States. Athletes compete for these coveted athletic scholarships, but they also come at a price.
While benefiting from a free education, athletes must balance rigorous training with academics.
Athletic scholarships are often awarded to athletes while they are in high school based on their performance in sports.
Scholarships for specific programs or fields
Program-specific scholarships are usually related to a specific level of study, such as a bachelor’s or master’s level, or to a specific program, such as an engineering or nursing program.
For example, a university may offer master’s scholarships for any of its master’s students, or the engineering faculty may offer scholarships specific to engineering master’s programs for its engineering students.
Program-specific scholarships may be offered directly by the school, or they may be offered by a private donor who is affiliated with the university, such as an alumnus who has established a scholarship foundation.
Sometimes these scholarships are offered to you with your admission to the university, and you don’t even have to apply for them.
There are also several scholarships for international students within this category. Some universities may target students in specific fields to boost their own international student population in specific programs.
Minority Scholarships
If you belong to a minority group, take advantage of scholarship options set up specifically for you. Most universities want to ensure that they provide equal access to education.
Therefore, they offer scholarships to members of marginalized groups who would otherwise not have access to the same opportunities as more privileged students.
Eligible groups include, but are not limited to, women, racial or ethnic minorities, and members of the LGBTQ community.
Application for a scholarship to study abroad.
What’s next? If you’ve done your research and made a list of funding you may be eligible for, now it’s time to figure out how to apply for a scholarship!
Many students find this to be the most difficult step, but it doesn’t have to be. Most study abroad scholarships will have very specific application criteria to follow.
Considering how competitive it can be to receive a scholarship, be sure to follow all instructions and double-check your work.
A good first impression is the first step to making your study abroad dreams a reality.
Although applying for global scholarships can be time-consuming, it is well worth the investment.
In any case, you can follow our tips for preparing your application to make the process much easier!
1. Make a checklist
To start, it’s important to get organized. Make a list of all the international student scholarships you plan to apply for and then write down what each one requires.
If you know ahead of time what you’ll need, it will be much easier to gather all the necessary paperwork and documents.
Often, different study abroad scholarships will require similar things, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, and essays.
You can also take note of how much each scholarship is worth and rank them by which ones you are most eligible for and which ones might be more demanding. Then, once you have your list organized, it’s time to get started!
2. Gather the necessary documentation
Transcripts, essays, and letters of recommendation make up the essential components of your study abroad scholarship application.
However, double-check to make sure nothing else is required. Also, keep in mind that it can take a long time to request and receive transcripts and letters of recommendation from schools.
Plus, you’ll want to take your time writing the essay, so start this process as soon as possible to make sure you don’t miss the deadline!
– Transcripts
A transcript is a record of your academic qualifications and is a common component of a scholarship application.
There are two different types of transcripts: official and unofficial. Official transcripts are issued directly from the university and must be sealed and delivered directly to the recipient.
Unofficial transcripts are hard copies of your grades and achievements and are not sealed or issued directly.
Be sure to carefully read what type of transcripts are required for your application and plan enough time for delivery along with the application deadline.
– Letters of recommendation
The purpose of a recommendation letter is to give scholarship providers an idea of your qualifications through the lens of someone who knows you personally.
It’s best to ask for references from someone who knows you, either professionally or academically, as they tend to have more influence.
However, some scholarships don’t specify, so if you don’t have a professional reference to give, ask someone you know personally.
It’s always recommended to give the person you intend to ask a heads-up ahead of time so they won’t be surprised when someone approaches them to ask about their accomplishments.
If the application deadline is approaching and your recommender hasn’t sent the letter yet, don’t be afraid to send a polite reminder!
Luckily, there’s not much else you can do besides thank the people who took the time to write your letter afterwards!
– Essays
One of the most crucial components when looking into how to get a scholarship to study abroad is the required essay.
Instead of stressing about it, consider the essay as your chance to explain to scholarship providers why you truly deserve their financial support.
But first, take note of whether or not they have given specific notice or asked for specific information. If so, be sure to respond and provide any information they request.
If the scholarship provider simply asks you why you deserve funding for a study abroad experience, don’t be afraid.
Make some of the following points to convince them that you deserve this experience and are ready to take it seriously:
- Explain why studying abroad will make a difference in your studies
- Let them know why you chose where you want to study
- Describe why you need their financial support to achieve your dream.
- Explain how you plan to appropriately allocate funds.
- Show your personality, passion and previous experiences.
Don’t forget to proofread before you turn in your essay. If possible, it’s good to have someone else proofread it too, especially if it’s a professor or someone who has written a scholarship essay for studying abroad before.
3. Review and send
Once you have completed all the necessary steps, be sure to review your application before submitting it.
That way, you can ensure that you have followed all the instructions and included all the required documentation.
Keep in mind that each study abroad scholarship application has its own deadline. There are thousands of international scholarships with spring and summer deadlines, and thousands more with fall and winter deadlines.
The key is to never stop looking for new scholarship opportunities, even after you start your first year of college.
Each international scholarship application has different guidelines for required documentation.
Make sure you give yourself enough time to get organized and complete your application. This will allow you to avoid stress while producing the best application possible!
4. Congratulate yourself on a job well done!
Once you hit send, that’s it! You’ve learned how to get a scholarship to study abroad and increased your chances of going on the adventure of a lifetime.
Whether you’re able to study abroad for free or for a much lower cost, reward yourself with the fact that your time and dedication will pay off when you live and study abroad surrounded by new international friends while immersing yourself in a totally different culture.